Gästebuch 2001 – 1997
Date: 30-12-2001 Name: Jennifer S. Strickler From: Waynesboro, Va Comments: Hey all you Stricklers! Just checking in to see if we’ve got any new info yet. Your still doing a great job, Frank! Keep it up. ttyl, cus! –Jenn |
Date: 27-12-2001 Name: Charles Warren Strickler, Jr. From: 161 Five Point Road, Robesonia, PA 19551 Comments: Wow! I have been looking for family history/link for a long time, and by luck I stumbled upon this site. I am at the office now, but when I get home I hope to much reading and research. thank you, thank you!! |
Date: 21-12-2001 Name: Ted Strickler Comments: I was pleased to find so much information about the Strickler family. |
Date: 11-12-2001 Name: Romi De Ambrosis-Strickler From: Im Feld 6, 5025 Asp Comments: Hoi zäme. A propos Dialäkt. Schliesslech isch jo änglisch nid di alleinigi Sproch uf de Wält…. Au i möchti ganz härzlech für die Unterstützig und Mitarbet für euse-n-Alass im nechschte Johr danke. Bsunders de Köbi, wo so vill schuftet defür. I freue mi scho jetz druf. Uebrigens no en Neuigkeit: Es git im August de au grad no en Kunstusstellig i de Galerie Scheidegger z’Richterswil. D’Kunstwärch stamme vom Kaspar Jakob Strickler! Me denn a der OK-Sitzig und i de Broschüre, wo Ändi Januar setti usecho! Schöni Feschttääg wünscht allne, de Stivi und d’Romi |
Date: 10-12-2001 Name: Strickler Jean From: Im Brünnli 2, 8152 Opfikon Comments: Grüezi mitenand, entschuldigung das ich wieder einmal in Mundart angefangen habe. An unserem Fest werde ich mich bemühen so zu sprechen das es alle verstehen. Für eine event. Uebersetzung ist gesorgt. Ich hofe, dass viele unserer Einladung folge leisten. Wir, dass OK, ist bemüht euch einen Treff -Veranstaltung zu presäntieren zu dürfen, das sicher in Errinnerung bleibt. Ich möchte jetzt schon allen vor der Danken, für die Einsätze die schon geleistet wurden. DANKE. Ich wünsche allen Strickler’s eine schöne, besinnliche Weihnachten sowie einen guten Start ins Jahr „Strickler – Treff 2002“ |
Date: 09-12-2001 Name: William Edward Strickler From: 345 Hoover Works Road McClellandtown, PA |
Date: 01-12-2001 Name: William Paul Strickler From: 3804 Wyoming Drive S. Reading PA 19608 Comments: I would like to purchase a copy of „Strickler’s in Pennsylvania“. My Grandparents were from Denver, PA. If you think you might be related to me, please e-mail me. |
Date: 16-11-2001 Name: Sarah Young Shaeffer Comments: Searching for Susannah Strikler who married George Washington Olinger in Jan. 1800 in Virginia. |
Date: 06-11-2001 Name: Keneth Lee Strickler From: 1602 Nesbitt Lane, Madison, TN |
Date: 30-10-2001 Name: Peggy Strickler Gary From: 311 W.Park Manor,Lake Charles, La.70611 |
Date: 26-10-2001 Name: Lawrence Templeton Woods From: 6925 Stoneybrooke Lane, Alexandria, VA Comments: You have done a remarkable job with your web site Frank. THANKS FOR YOUR EFFORTS |
Date: 23-09-2001 Name: Karen Wentworth From: 13597 Bunker Road, Meadville MO 64659 Comments: I’m looking for a copy of the Stickler book published back in the 1940’s a later reprinted. Does anyone there know if copies are still available? Thanks! My grandmother on my father’s side was a Stricker. |
Date: 23-08-2001 Name: Jack Arzheimer Comments: Howdy-marion and bonnie. Just today thinking of rohnert park and friends. Your name came to mind right away. Please send a note and let us know how you are doing. jack and marie arzheimer |
Date: 22-08-2001 Name: Ray Heistand From: 8002 W. Fm 455, Celina, TX., USA Comments: I under stand that at one time the Hiestand and Strickler was one and the same. Is this true? |
Date: 17-08-2001 Name: Strickler Walter Bernhard und Gisela From: Via Navegna, 15a, 6648 Minusio, Switzerland Comments: Hallo allerseits. Haben mit Interesse die vielen Informationen gelesen und sprechen Euch ein Kompliment aus für die sicherlich aufwendige Arbeit. Herzlichen Dank und wir werden weiterhin in Kontakt bleiben. Walty und Gisela Strickler-Aerne |
Date: 17-08-2001 Name: Cindy Strickler From: 6200 Filkins ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA Comments: So many Stricklers that i haven’t met ! |
Date: 08-08-2001 Name: Cassandra Leming From: Jefferson,Texas Comments: Being a descendant of the Virginia Stricklers I found this site fantastic and informative.My Grandfather was a Thurman from Virginia and very proud of his heritage. Thanks-keep up the great work. |
Date: 10-07-2001 Name: Maya Flück-Strickler – Hindelbank/Schweiz Name: Maya Flück-Strickler – Islamabad/Pakistan From: Hindelbank/BE und Islamabad/Pakistan Comments: Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass es so viele Strickler in den USA gibt. Diese Site ist toll, da steckt eine Menge Arbeit dahinter. Schade, dass nicht mehr Schweizer Strickler ins Gästebuch schreiben. |
Date: 04-07-2001 Name: Grace M. Henley Nason From: 2152 Portage Road, Portage Lake, Maine Comments: A new friend and cousin, Frank Duff. Martha Jane Strickler was my greatgrandmother. |
Date: 25-06-2001 Name: Sallie Strickler Deitz From: 3415 Robertson Rd. Bellingham, WA 98226 Comments: Hello! I am delighted to find this sight. My grandparents Everett and Eva Strickler are now deceased and there seems to be no information about the family, as Everett died in 1968 (Bellingham Washington) and Eva (Sigmond) was not one for sentiments. I on the otherhand, am interested in any information about my family lineage. I believe Everett Strickler was part Native American and possibly grew up in Canada(?)in the early 1900s. He was in Bellingham Washington in the 1930s-1960s. Let’s chat. Sallie Strickler |
Date: 21-06-2001 Name: John L. Strickler From: 217 E. Mithoff St Columbus, Oh. 43206 |
Date: 19-06-2001 Name: Richard Edgar Strickler From: 2107 Trail Ridge Ct. Raleigh, NC 27603 Comments: I believe I am descended from Heinrich Strickler. I am attempting to make a direct connection to a James Strickler who was the son of Cyrus Strickler and Elizabeth Boyer. There seems to be no information as to whether he married or had children but an aunt told me that my great great grandfather was James Strickler married to Marie Sensibaugh. I would like to verify all of this. |
Date: 13-06-2001 Name: Lisa Sheets From: 656 S Ashburton Rd Columbus Ohio 43213 Comments: VERY easy to follow website! My mom is a BIBLER, descending from the Fairfield County, Lancaster Ohio families. John Taylor Jr m. Barbara Strickler in 1794 (she died in 1817, Champaign Co, OH) and then he m. Catherine Bibler. I am branching into the family more than my direct line (Catherine’s brother John), and it led me to this site. Excellent info! I hope our Bibler webpage turns out even HALF as nice!!!!!! |
Date: 03-06-2001 Name: Strickler – Schaer Ueli From: Gutstrasse 140 8055 Zürich Comments: Born in Richterswil, living in Zuerich. Greetings to every Strickler ! |
Date: 23-05-2001 Name: Coulson Scheuermann From: 363 Baldwin Dr. Berea, OH 44017 Comments: I am trying to trace my Strickler heritage. My great-grandfather was Isaac Strickler, born about 1832 near Philadelphia, PA, went to Marietta, OH, married Martha Jane Gorrell, had 4 sons, and died during the Civil War. At least 3 of his sons referred to land where they lived, as Egypt. I have not been able to determine the identity of his father and I lack at least one or two generations of making the link to Hans Strickler. |
Date: 23-04-2001 Name: Jennifer S. Strickler From: Roanoke, Va Comments: Hi,name is Jennifer Strickler. My father is William Marshall Strickler, my grandfather is Jasper Luray Strickler, my great grandpa is Willam Marshall Strickler Sr. I am looking for more strickler’s in this side of the family tree, i have a family tree program on my computer that my grandmother has been working on for years, so i plenty of info to share. Feel free to write! Thanks. |
Date: 12-04-2001 Name: Bruce McCausland Comments: Hi, I am the great-great grandson of Alan Darius Strickler (1845-1938) of Buffalo, NY, he was the son of Daniel Strickler (1809-1901) born in Black Creek, Ontario and died in Buffalo, NY, he was the sone of Ulrich Strickler Jr. (1765-1838), born near Mount Joy, PA he died in Clarence, NY, he was the son of Ulrich Strickler Sr. who came to Pennsylvania from Switzerland in 1737. Well, now that I have formally introduced myself, I would say hello to all those interested in researching into our family tree. I would be interesting in hearing from anyone who think we might be related and wants to help tie together parts of our family trees. Kindly, Bruce Alden McCausland |
Date: 11-04-2001 Name: Myra Garner From: Jacksonville, Florida Comments: Descendent of Joseph and Barbara Grove Strickler whose son Henry D married Catherine Brubaker. Their daughter Mary married Abram Hogle who was my g grandfather. Am interested in old pictures, tintypes of family. |
Date: 11-04-2001 Name: Emilio Strickler From: Cordoba 698, 2000 Rosario, Argentina Comments: Mi familia se instalo en Rosario Argentina en el pricipio de siglo dedicandose a la actividad del campo y hotelera. Emilio Adolfo Strickler casado con Jorgelina Fracassi. |
Date: 01-04-2001 Name: Arthur Stierle From: 22315 Devonshire Woodhaven Mi. 48183 |
Date: 31-03-2001 Name: Amanda Strickler From: Morgantown, WV |
Date: 26-03-2001 Name: Chris Strickler From: Shenandoah Va Comments: for shenandoah valley stricklers refer to harry m. strickler’s book „forerunners“ starts w/abraham strickler arriving from swit. to penn. then onto page county 1700-1924 |
Date: 17-03-2001 Name: Dusty Strickler From: 2709 capitol ave. fort wayne indiana Comments: looking to meet more strickler’s,i’m very proud of my name and would love to hear from others as well…..thanks |
Date: 22-02-2001 Name: Sheryl J. Stricler-Weldon From: P.O. Box 940 Biggs, Ca. 95917 U.S Comments: After reading several entries in your guestbook, I realized many of the Stricler’s are searching for „the first“ in their family that came to the U.S. I found a book at the local library that showed the names of their passengers on many of the ships that came here. Among those names were Ulrich Strickler (Oct.8, 1737 on a ship called „Charming Polly“, of London. In 1754, Abraham Strickler came to the U.S. (forgot to write the name of the ship down). Then on Oct. 27, 1764, a Daniel Strickler came over on a ship called the Hero. Conrad supposedly came over from Swiz. Around 1700 with a brother. The library did not have the volumne on that time period. Will have to go over to the Chico State Univ. library to look at their copy of this book. The name of this book is „Thirty Thousand Names of Immigrants“ by Rupp, Indexed edition, 1965. If anybody happens to find a copy of that book and finds the information on Conrad, please e-mail me the information. If I can locate it first, will post it here. Hope that the information that I was able to post here today will help some of you with your searches. Best of luck. |
Date: 22-02-2001 Name: Sheryl J. Stricler-Weldon From: P.O. Box 940 Biggs, Ca. 95917 U.S Comments: Hello to all the family. Knew there was a website for the Strickler family and am glad that I finally found it. Guess that there are a lot of us around. |
Date: 22-02-2001 Name: Maggie Strickler Newson From: 251 sylvania place, westfield nj o7090 Comments: finally found all this. am daughter of Paul J., grandaughter of Lyman, ggdaughter of Harrison. Would love to find any cousins. |
Date: 15-02-2001 Name: David Alan Strickler From: Toledo, OH Comments: A colleague sent me a photo of an old race car with Dave Strickler written on the side in big letters. Though I haven’t found out who this race car driver might be, I did find a great web site as well as two other David A. Strickler’s. I am the son of Roscoe and grandson of Ira (both of Nebraska). Wish I had more time to trace these roots! |
Date: 15-02-2001 Name: Duane Lee Strickler From: PO Box 309 Comments: Glad to find you. I am a Virginia Strickler. My Grandfather was Dr. R.E.L. Strickler my Father was Rev. Robert L. Strickler. |
Date: 15-02-2001 Name: William E. Strevig From: 6472 Burgoyne Houston TX 77057-4006 Comments: A John Strickler may be my great gret grandfather b circa 1800 m to a Catherine Bixler |
Date: 09-02-2001 Name: Larry Brent Strickler From: Lakewood, Colorado Comments: From the Ohio Strickler’s. |
Date: 06-02-2001 Name: Mary Royer From: Raytown, Mo, USA Comments: Just beginning to trace our family. Thanks for permitting me to browse your site. My family is listed under Mennonites. I enjoyed the photos. Thanks again. |
Date: 01-02-2001 Name: Jennifer Strickler From: Roanoke, Va, USA Comments: Hi, Just thought I’d drop by this website to see how many more Stricklers there are and maybe find a close-by relative. |
Date: 30-01-2001 Name: David A. Strickler From: 310 Coral Way N. Augusta, S.C. 29841 Comments: I am Searching for a John W. Strickler 1880-1953 Born Lancaster, Pa. His wife Mamie Pannebecker1889-6/55 Any Parents or other info on the family Thanks, Dave 1/29/01 |
Date: 25-01-2001 Name: Strickler Jean From: im Brünnli 2, 8152 Opfikon Comments: Gratulation meinen Cousin und Cousine für die ganze Strickler – Auflage. Macht weiter so. |
Date: 15-02-2001 Name: Jeff Strickler From: 80 Reeve Street, Wdsk, Ontario, Canada Comments: Thought it was very intresting, was wondering though if there is any info on canadian Stricklers? There is a small concentration in Ontario around Oxford County. |
Date: 14-01-2001 Name: Walter Buergin From: Zunzgen BL Comments: Eine gute Page, Gruss Walter Buergin |
Date: 13-01-2001 Name: Sarah J. Strickler From: PO Box 385 Weaverville, CA 96093 Comments: I descend from Conrad Strickler, York, PA. |
Date: 09-01-2001 Name: David Arnold Strickler From: 310 Coral Way, North Augusta, SC 29841 Comments: I am interested in my roots but am not sure how to find them Thanks, Dave |
Date: 30-12-2000 Name: Robert Neil Strickler From: 6425 McAdams Drive East. Theodore Al 365 Comments: Hi from another Strickler. |
Date: 14-12-2000 Name: Gordon M. Garrison Comments:My grandmother was Carrie Blanche [Kibler]Dofflemyer. Her mother was Dorothy Ann [Dollie] Strickler. Her father was Abraham Strickler Jr. His father was Abraham Strickler, Sr born 1765. His father was Joseph Strickler,I, the Pioineer who was born 1731. His father Was Abraham Strickler of Switzerland who move to the USA around 1700 and settleed in Lancaster County, Pa. and then moved to Page County, Va in about 1729. |
Date: 12-12-2000 Name: Kimberly D. McKell From: Born in Danville, IL Comments:My grandfather was Gifford N. Strickler. My mother has been working on our family tree for the last couple of years and advised me to check out this site. Thank you for all of the wonderful information regarding our family. It is greatly appreciated. |
Date: 07-12-2000 Name: Jim Rothgeb From: Connecticut USA Comments: My ancestors married several Stricklers in Viginia. My line is from Wallisellen then earlier from Schwamendingen. |
Date: 07-12-2000 Name: Caroline Woznicki From: Austin, Texas Comments: Am descended from Mary Strickler M. Joshua Shipley in Virginia or Tennessee 1793. |
Date: 24-11-2000 Name: Steven Engles From: Chicago, IL Comments: I am a descendent of Henry Strickler. I have been doing genealogy research this past year, and stumbled across this website tonite via google.com. My grandmother was Lillian Stitzel and married Clifford Engles. I even found my father, Francis Engles, listed in your database. I would like information on how to fully access this website, and hopefully import this data into my database. In addition, I can significantly add more names to this database. At your convenience, please tell me how I may add/edit additional information. This is very exciting to me to have stumbled across this website. I just returned 2 weeks ago from Italy (near Pisa and Florence) where I visited with about 50 „new“ family members recently unearthed on my mother’s side of the family. I would love to learn more about my father’s side of the family, where they came from, etc. Steven Engles |
Date: 22-11-2000 Name: Jeff Strickler From: Portland, Oregon USA Comments: Hi! Happened upon this site during a web search. Very interesting! I’ve not spent a lot of time with geneology, but did a search on my father. He’s in the data base (Gerald Stouffer Strickler, descendant of Henry Strickler), but didn’t find any descendant information for him. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to add all this information, but in case someone would like to add to the data base… Gerald married Joanne Mary Furst on December 16, 1951. They had four children: Nancy Lynn Moore, May 29, 1955; Jeffrey Paul Strickler, November 9, 1957; Becky Francine Strickler, February 8, 1959; Cynthia Suzanne Houk, September 4, 1963. By the way, Gerald adopted his mother’s maiden name after she died in the late 1940’s — Gerald Stouffer Schubert Strickler — and used that name for the rest of his life. Gerald died in June 1982. Most of his adult life he was a resident of La Grande, Oregon. I (Jeffrey Paul Strickler) married Mary Elizabeth Meyer on June 25, 1983. We have two children: Bradley Clayton Strickler, born February 22, 1986, and Michelle Bryn Strickler, born February 26, 1988. |
Date: 16-11-2000 Name: harold strickler From: clarksville tenn. Comments: I am trying to get a file on isaac strickler susposed to have lived close to marrieta ohio appricate all help thank you harold |
Date: 09-11-2000 Name: Steven Showers From: California Comments: I am a descendant of Conrad Strickler living in Fayette County, Pennsylvania in 1800 (census info) where he raised a family with his wife Elizabeth. He bought land in 1804 using funds from York County, so it seems he is a son or grandson of the Conrad Strickler who died there in 1793 (wife was Ann Bixler). I am looking to find any further connecton with the Stricklers in York County and would appreciate any information about this or any other branch of the family. |
Date: 02-11-2000 Name: Garry O. Strickler From: Juneau, Alaska Comments: Great site always went to know about the Strickler name |
Date: 01-11-2000 Name: Lukas Rozycki From: Polen Comments: Grüsse aus Sanok für Strickler Family. Nun wünsche ich alle gute und ich lasse Euch herzlichst von mir und meiner Family grüssen. Lukas aus Polen |
Date: 18-10-2000 Name: Romi Website: Weingilde From: Asp Comments: Hallo Koebi. Ich wollte Dir nur fuer den gelungenen Update ein grosses Kompliment machen. Du hast Dich ja als perfekter Wappenmaler entpuppt! |
Date: 06-10-2000 Name: Moritz Kaspar Strickler From: Wabern, Switzerland Comments: Hallo! Ich heisse Moritz. Ich wünsche allen Stricklers ein gutes Leben! |
Date: 27-09-2000 Name: Dr. Hans Peter Stamp Website: Dr. Hans Peter Stamp From: Rendsburg/Deutschland Comments: Ganz besonders inhaltsreiche Seiten. Glückwunsch! |
Date: 13-09-2000 Name: William Strickler From: Warrenton, Virginia Comments: I have recently moved back to Virginia where most of all my relatives live. I am interesting in finding out more about my linage. My Grandfather’s name is Harry Strickler, his people came from Pennsylvania I believe and my Father’s name is Bryan Strickler, I have an Uncle Bill Strickler, and two cousins, Mary and Mike Strickler. |
Date: 08-09-2000 Name: Brandt A. Thomas From: Alexandria, VA Comments: Just wondering if you have anything on the Stricklers of Page county in the Shanandoa valley, in VA. I am related to them through my mother, Shirley Strickler. Her father was Charles Strickler from Alexandria, VA. Brandt Thomas |
Date: 31-08-2000 Name: Loren Brent Strickler From: Annville, PA USA Comments: Found the website very interesting. I am just getting started in my roots. |
Date: 31-08-2000 Name: Jean Warren From: Wyoming Comments: I found your address posted on a message board. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the amount of data that you have on the Stricklers. I have found quite a lot of info on our lineage on your site so far and sure would be happy to contribute any additional info I have in the future. |
Date: 28-08-2000 Name: Eric Weight From: Provo, Utah, USA Comments: Very nice site. I am looking for Friedrich Wilhelm Strickler of Stafa, Zurich. Not finding much luck so far. |
Date: 20-08-2000 Name: Janet Strickler (now Coolman) From: Chandler, Arizona..orig. Ohio Comments: I am also interested in the Strickler book. Please email with details…I would really appreciate it. |
Date: 19-08-2000 Name: Jerry From: Rochester, NY Comments: This is the first time I’ve seen this board. My grandmother was a Strickler.Great job! |
Date: 16-08-2000 Name: Susan Strickler Sloan From: Grew up in Virginia, now living in S.C. Comments: I am interested in a book called Strickler’s of Pennsylvania. It is written in part by Jacob S. Strickler. Anyone having information on this book, or other Strickler lineage books, please e-mail me with the info. Thanks so much. Hello to all the Stricklers‘ of the world. |
Date: 16-08-2000 Name: Donald B. Strickler Jr. From: Broadway VA. 22815 Comments: Hello to all my fellow Strickler clan! |
Date: 10-08-2000 Name: Mark A. Strickler From: Vancouver, WA Comments: Currently live in Vancouver, WA with my wife Nancy and daughters Siena (4) and Juliana (2). |
Date: 09-08-2000 Name: Daniel Georg Strickler From: Daytona Beach, FL Comments: I was originally born in Weisbaden Germany, to parents William Allen Strickler, and Silvia Strickler Schultz. My Strickler leneage of how much I know started in Petersburg OH. I don’t know many Stricklers in the world but I’m glad that such a sight exists. I do wish I knew more. I was told we are related to two Irish clans that Immigrated in the mid 1800’s by the names of Baitie and Hunter. If there are any out there that coould provide me with more info Please e-mail me. Also try StricklerDG(at)matcom.usmc.mil to get a hold of me. thank you. |
Date: 06-07-2000 Name: William E. Strickler From: McClellandtown,Pennsylvania USA Comments: I’m looking forward to finding out more about my heritage. |
Date: 27-06-2000 Name: Laury Hembree From: Maryville,TN Comments: I have found out that my ancestor,Peter Heistand, his father,Heinrich Heiston, and his grandfather Ulrich Heistand was married to Barbara Strickler of Page,VA. Is there anyway you could help me find out who BArbara’s parents were? Thanks! |
Date: 26-06-2000 Name: Ann Strickler From: Page County, VA Comments: I just discovered your Strickler Site. It is awesome. After searching and searching, everything is right in front of me. I can’t wait to show it tomy husband. Thank you. Ann Strickler, wife of Elbert Carroll Strickler who was born in Page County, VA |
Date: 03-06-2000 Name: Harry L Strickler From: Canada Comments: Nice site. |
Date: 27-05-2000 Name: Paul W. Strickler From: Richmond,Virginia Comments: I know very little about my fathers family. His name was Paul Goldie Strickler and his father my grandfatherwas Robert Gilmore Strickler My fathers family all where from Rockbridge Baths Va. Please tell me more. |
Date: 23-05-2000 Name: van eric strickler From: virginia Comments: I see nothing here of how i became a strickler but iam sure that the facts will develop to formulate a logical progression of geneology to explain my existence. hello to my brother, jimmy when he stops by, and any stray kregloes that may wander in (having married into stricklers lineage) |
Date: 22-05-2000 Name: Thomas Payne Website: Payne Family From: Lexington, Kentucky, USA Comments: Please see http://members.iglou.com/tpayne/strickler_pix.htm for a few Strickler photos from the Enid, Oklahoma clan – taken around 1915. |
Date: 13-05-2000 Name: Denise Strickler From: New York Comments: Glad to be here |
Date: 29-04-2000 Name: Thomas Payne From: Lexington, Kentucky, USA Comments: I hope to soon send (or link) some Strickler family photographs from the 1910’s. My grandmother was Genevieve Elizabeth Strickler, who was a granddaughter of Jacob Brubaker Strickler. We think Jacob was the ancestor who emigrated from Swizerland. This branch of the family settled in Enid, Oklahoma. |
Date: 26-04-2000 Name: Romi De Ambrosis-Strickler From: Asp, Switzerland Comments: April 28th to 30th there will be the 10th anniversary of the Genealogical Society of Page County in Luray/VA. I’m starting today my trip to the USA and hope to find a lot of Stricklers there in Luray! |
Date: 24-04-2000 Name: Robert L. Strickler From: Oakton, Virginia Comments: Have logged on several times before, but notice that the messages seem to be dropped (with age?). Have two Strickler sons, Mark in Vancouver, Washington, and Brian in Matthews, North Carolina. Am descended from Leslie Strickler (father), Frank Strickler (grandfather), and Peter Strickler (great grandfather). This is the Illinois branch that went out west from the Virgina tribe (see „Forerunners“). |
Date: 14-04-2000 Name: Juergen Strickler From: Germany/Rhineland-Palatinate/Ludwigshafen Comments: Hello to all Strickler´s! I´m surprised that i´m the first german Strickler who found these site – and write in the guestbook. I´ve just started my search, so i only can say that i´m very probably a part of the german Strickler relationship. But i´ll try to figure it out – and close the gap between switzerland and USA. Thanks for this very well done page and all the best for the whole family! |
Date: 21-03-2000 Name: Marc J. Strickler From: Glendale, AZ Comments: My brother Sean told me about the Strickler web page. Most of our uncles & aunts are from Hershey PA. We have all scattered across the country. I’m excited about learning more of my family tree. Thanks |
Date: 20-03-2000 Name: Donna Lynn Stricler Gordon From: Barstow, CA Comments: My cousin, Robert Allen Stricler, told me about the Strickler web site. I’m a Stricler, too. But our name has no „k“ in it. I believe we are still related in some way. Please send me some information. Thank you. |
Date: 18-03-2000 Name: Randy Treichler From: Three Springs, PA Comments: Dear Stricklers,I just stopped by your website on a hunch. It is very well done and useful.My family, Treichler, goes back to Richtersil, as does yours. I am interested in Stricklers and my immigrant ancestor, Jacob Treichler, arrived in this country on the same boat as Henrich Strickeller–the Friendship of Bristol, sailing from Rotterdam and arriving in Phila. in October of 1727. Unfortunately, Jacob Treichler died on the voyage. I’m hoping somehow to figure out who our missing links are–the wife and children of the Jacob Treichler that died on the trip, whose names are unknown. As those Treichlers and Stricklers and Hiestands travelled from Richterswil to Neustadt to Phila. together, I think it’s very likely that they (widow and children) stayed near Stricklers or Hiestands for at least awhile after arrival here in 1727. If there is any Strickler history that tells what Henrich and family did immediately after arrival in 1727 and for several years thereafter, I would be very interested. My ancestors appeared north of Phila. along the Delaware River in Bucks Co. by about 1750, but I don’t know anything about the intervening years, other than that they might have gone to northern New Jersey (Sussex Co.) for a time. Anyone ever hear of Stricklers in New Jersey for a time before heading elsewhere? Again, many thanks for a wonderful web site! |
Date: 12-03-2000 Name: Lorie Strickler Mitchell From: Sullivan County, Tennessee Comments: Just looking for information about my family history. Found ancestors in the family tree verified by other sources. Thanks. |
Date: 08-03-2000 Name: Garrett From: Oklahoma Comments: Hey to the person with the book who said if anyone wanted a copy of it is it for free |
Date: 04-03-2000 Name: Grannymick Strickler From: Harryville Comments: I no that my aunty aunty Strickler was a baker on the east coast of Harryville. She made many many secrets and she maketh many nice thoughts. I have her first book on the tree of the trees of our family. do you want a copy – my cousin and your cousin have them. |
Date: 02-03-2000 Name: Lisa Strickler Herdman From: Richmond, Missouri Comments: Just looking for any information about my heritage. |
Date: 28-02-2000 Name: David A. Strickler From: Mansfield, Ohio Comments: I didn’t know much about my Strickler ancestors until I found the Strickler.Dolphins web site. Swiss ancestory is new to me, I always thought the Strickler name was German. I would like to know how the Strickler’s arrived in Ohio and from where. My great grandfather’s name was David Aaron Strickler. If anyone can help me I would appreciate the information. Keep up the good work. |
Date: 26-02-2000 Name: Jeffrey Lloyd Strickler From: Front Royal Virginia Comments: My family decended from Abraham Strickler the pioneer. He was my grandfather 6th times removed. Our family lived in the Page Valley, Luray Va area and still does to this day. My great Grandfather Luther Rush Strickler was a Jeweler in Luray Va My grandfather Paul Sterling Strickler was born in Luray one of 6 children.We have a book in our family called: Forerunners by Harry M. Strickler our copy is the 2nd edition from 1977 by C.J. Carrier Company Harrisonburg Va.The original was printed by : The Ruebush-Kieffer Co, Dayton VaThere is no ISBN # but the Royal Oak Bookshop in Front Royal Va might be able to help.I am at present 37 married and living near Hutchinson Ks.Feel free to mail me if you wantThanksJeffrey L Strickler |
Date: 23-02-2000 Name: cara From: michagin Comments: You have created a great website. |
Date: 06-02-2000 Name: Howard Carl Strickler From: Akron, Oh Comments: There is a small group or Stricklers living in this general area. Most are from the marriage of two Strickler brothers and two Yarrosh sisters. I am interested in learning the origin of our name and also our family tree. Anyone with ih=nfo can e-mail me. |
Date: 04-02-2000 Name: Bethany Hall From: Grand Junction, Colorado Comments: My maternal great grandfather was Dean Dewalt Strickler. My maternal grandmother (his daughter) is Ada Jean Strickler. I was referred to your web page by my mother, Diane Kalos (Schock). I am very interested in learning more of my family heritage and am willing and able to put effort and time in looking into the Pennsylvania Stricklers. I’d appreciate any information on the family as I am starting „fresh“. Thank you for a wonderful job you’ve done on this web page. What a wonderful place to start! |
Date: 03-02-2000 Name: Diane Schock Kalos From: Huntingdon, Pennsylvania USA Comments: What a wonderful job you have all done! As my mother was a Strickler I was very excited to find yourwebsite. My grandfather, Dean Dewalt Strickler, founded a small dairy company here in Huntingdon, PA and he use to tell me that he believed his family came from Switzerland and first settled inLancaster, PA. He thought his ancestors to Pennsylvania were „Friends“ seeking relgious freedom in the new world of „Penn’s Woods“. My mother’s name is Ada Jeanne Strickler McCafferty, she is 80.Thank you for all your hardwork in creating and maintaining this site. |
Date: 26-01-2000 Name: Lori Oechslin Troxell From: Louisville, Kentucky Comments: Researching my family tree. Any other Oechslins out there? |
Date: 12-01-2000 Name: Alejandro Strickler From: Bariloche, Argentina Comments: Pronto les enviare datos de mi familia en Argentina para que sean agregados a su página. (Soon i will send data of my family in Argentina so that they will be added to the Strickler Site.) |
Date: 06-01-2000 Name: nancy hurley From: kentucky Comments: Interested in further information of conrad strickler who married christinia greathouse. sons jacob and george washington strickler. arrived in elizabethtown, kentucky (at)1825-1830. where from? any other children? christinia died here in 1833. she was daughter of daniel greathouse. george born in williamsport, maryland. married in berkly, virginia to nancy katherine pack.. |
Date: 02-01-2000 Name: Otis Slusher From: Ohio > Florida Comments: Anna STRICKLER m George B. SLUSHER 17 Jul 1837 Page Co, VA — Seek info on parents, siblings, etc, of Anna STRICKLER b 3 Jan 1813 (prob VA) – d 13 Jun 1838 Page Co, VA – bu Strickler Cemeter, Page Co., VA – m 17 Jul 1837 Page Co., VA, to George B. SLUSHER, s/o John George SLUSHER and Mary BROOKHOFFER – George b abt 1818 VA – d 4 Sep 1888 Luray Page Co, VA – after Anna’s death, George married 9 Nov 1840 Page Co., VA, to Susan HALTERMAN, d/o Henry HALTERMAN and Margaret T. PANGER?/PANGLE? – Susan b __ ___ 1812 Page Co, VA – d 15 Dec 1881 Luray, Page Co., VA.Dau of George B. SLUSHER & Anna STRICKLER:i. Elizabeth C. SLUSHER b abt 1838 VA – m _____ ATKINS?Thanks OWS |
Date: 31-12-1999 Name: Michael D. Strickler From: Yorktown, VA Comments: I’ve been to your site a time or two before and find it very interesting.I come from Chicago, a decendant of Samuel Strickler of Illinois.Am an Air Force Captain stationed at Langely AFB in Hampton, Virginia. |
Date: 1999-12-26 Name: Janet Strickler Coolman From: Chandler, Arizona Comments: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Stricklers! |
Date: 1999-12-16 Name: Klaus Van Strickler Comments: I haves foundy my emotional home. My great great great grand fether was and was the orginaly Strickler who emerged from the fatherland inn the night of 12th August 1702. He wrote a book shortly before he deed – ‚Hows the Strickler name and motivationio was formed‘. Ifs you want copy please get in touch. Nice to have found you! |
Date: 1999-12-04 Name: Brandt A. Thomas From: Alexandria (Mount Vernon), VA Comments: I am the grandson of Charles Strickler of Alexandria, VA.Also have Strickler relatives in Page County, VA.My mother is Shirley May Strickler (madien). |
Date: 1999-11-28 Name: Darlene Martin From: Logan, Ohio Comments: Had the pleasure of visting your town. Doing research on Samsel, Sampsel,Sampsell. Didn’t have much time, but met some very helpful people. Would like to hear from anyone with above names. Hope to come back down this Spring to do more research. You have a great page, keep up the good work. Darlene Martin |
Date: 1999-10-30 Name: Duane Lee Strickler From: a Virginia Strickler a Grandson of Dr. R.E.L. Strickler Comments: I just like to keep up with the Stricklers. |
Date: 1999-10-25 Name: Ron Strickler From: Harrison, MI Comments: Amazing to see such a large site.I’ve pounded alot of ground in this state and this is my first e-attempt, unfortunately to no avail. There’s alot of us in Michigan but few listed here. I am the son of George W.,the son of William, (brother of Alvin, a professor at Albion college)son of John, son of Reuben who apparently came from Blund- ford Oxford County in Ontario in 1882 and bought land in the Vassar area; after the great forest fire that devestated the thumb area in 188? they ended up in Benzie county near Thompsonville. From there, William and Alvin went there separate ways. I wonder if there were any other sons of Reuben or John. As far as I know my father only had one uncle.I will resume my search for the ancestors of Reuben, if anyone can be of service, please contact me at the above address. Thanks and God bless. |
Date: 1999-10-23 Name: Amanda Strickler From: Morgantown,WV Comments: I have often wondered about my family history.You have provided me with a lot of valuable information, and have no idea how much this means to me.I discovered something wonderful too.All of my life, I thought that my last name was German, but I have always had a dream of going to Switzerland.Now I understand this dream.I can’t thank you enough. Sincerely, Amanda Strickler |
Date: 1999-10-13 Name: Stefanie Strickler From: CA Comments: I’m originally from PA..I moved to CA about 14 years ago with my parents (my dad being the middle son Bill(Mont)), my uncle Bob (Robert Strickler) and his family still live in PA, & my uncle Lynn lives in OH with his family. I never knew there were so many of us 😉 This is just odd to say the least 🙂 |
Date: 1999-10-04 Name: lynne cunningham From: Moses Lake, WA Comments: We have been searching out Abraham Strickler’s parentage for over 20 yrs.What a gold mine.This is one of the best web sites I’ve been on. |
Date: 1999-09-28 Name: Jill Strickler From: florida Comments: im impressed with this site …although i would like to see my family in here i have relatives in florida and california with the strickler name(16 in all). |
Date: 1999-09-25 Name: Carol Strickler From: Kansas City, MO Comments: Married to Larry Strickler from Springfield, Mo |
Date: 1999-09-13 Name: dusty strickler From: fort wayne indiana Comments: hello to everyone,wanted to say hi to all the strickler’s in the world.god bless you all…..dusty |
Date: 1999-09-12 Name: Robert Strickler and Family From: Pennsylvania Comments: We saw the Strickler name and are curious about other Stricklers because we don’t know that many. |
Date: 1999-09-11 Name: Susan Plozza From: Australia Comments: Searching for the De Ambrosis history |
Date: 1999-09-04 Name: Patricia Minger Vorenberg From: Lexington MA Comments: I have been here before. Just came back to check my information. Was surprised at how the site has grown. Loved the pictures. I am a descendant of Abraham Strickler b. ca 1702.Thanks so much. |
Date: 1999-08-25 Name: John R. Strickler From: Pgh. Pa. Comments: Hi to all the Stricklers out there. My address: 403 Becker Drive Pgh. Pa. 15237 |
Date: 1999-08-15 Name: Linda Comments: I hope someone on this list might be of help to me. I have a census record i looked up. I went to a library that has all the Census for Pa. and found a census that fits my gr. gr. gr. grandfather, maybe!There were two Benjamin Strickler’s listed but the one I am interested in is in Northumberland Co., Sunbury Twp. for 1850. It lists: Benjamin Strickler, 45 m. – Rebecca Strickler, 30 f. – Jacob Strickler, 24 m. – Mary Strickler, 22 f. – Fanny Strickler, 17 f. – Henry Strickler, 14 m. – Samuel Strickler, 12 m. – Sarah Strickler, 1 f. – Barbara Geingrich, 17 f – Jacob Hollenback, 14 m – Daniel Beaker, 18 m., Laborer. Now, I was wondering if anyone has any information on this family? I am pretty sure that Mary is my gr. gr. grandmother. The date fits pretty close, and some of the children. There is a Benjamin in the 1860 Census for Pa. But the dates don’t match this family.Also has a wife named Rebecca. So, I’m really getting confused on this family. Also, my family always thought the Strickler’s lived on an island on the Susquehanna river, and today, I found in Northumberland Co., that Floyd’s History shows a Strickler family owned an island on the Susquehanna river. Maybe this will help narrow it down. But, Floyd doesn’t list the person’s full name. Hope someone can help me on this Benjamin Strickler family. Thanks so much. Linda |
Date: 1999-08-15 Name: Donald Beverly Strickler Jr. From: Virginia Comments: Just saying hellos to all my fellow Strickler family members out there in cyber-land. |
Date: 1999-08-14 Name: Kim Strickler From: Elyria, Ohio Comments: I never Knew how big this family was until I found this site! |
Date: 1999-08-01 Name: George Strickler From: stricklerstown (newmanstown) pa ,usa Comments: I recieved a letter from Romi and thought I would write back. will give more info. later. |
Date: 1999-07-29 Name: Simon Strickler From:Buchs Schweiz Comments: Lieber Papi ich han ebe gar nöd gwüst das du es Gäschtebuch häsch.Du häsch mer s ja gseit das du es Gäschtebuech häsch ich find dini Homepage sehr guet aber mich Intressierts ebe nöd so.OK däne tschüseli vom Simi(Simon). |
Date: 1999-07-29 Name: Wanda Strickler From: Turlock Ca. Comments: I am a Strickler by marriage. I have been looking For any thing on my sons G Grandfather Benjamin Strickler 1872. He was born in Arkansas. HIs father was John From Tenn. His mother was Eliza. Any help would be great. |
Date: 1999-07-23 Name: Derrik Strickler From: MN Comments: Just stopped by to see if my immediate family is listed |
Date: 1999-07-19 Name: garrett strickler From: stroud oklahoma Comments: hi everyone i just wanted to know if any one had info on tandy strickler or violet strickler if u can email me thank you |
Date: 1999-06-27 Name: Annette Gustafson From: Oregon, Ohio Comments: Hi Stricker Folks.Perhaps this web page will finally get my 74 year old Stricker mother on the web!Edna Marie Strickler, daughter of John R. Strickler, from Latrobe, PA.Related to original owners of Strickler Drug Store in Latrobe.Anyone have info?It sure would be fun to show her.Thanks all. |
Date: 1999-06-27 Name: adam strickler From: los angeles Comments: just seeing if i was related. |
Date: 1999-06-26 Name: Rico Strickler From: Samstagern / Switzerland Comments: I’m very surprised to see ‚lot of Stricklers who lives in the states. But why does the european.ones not write anything in this guestbook!!!!!!! |
Date: 1999-06-25 Name: Karyn Lynn Strickler From: Bethesda, MD Comments: My name is Karyn Lynn Strickler (born 3-17-60).I am a grassroots political organizer and have worked on such issues as abortion rights and environmental protection on the state and national levels.I also train women in the campaign skills necessary to run for public office and I am about to embark upon a trip to Botswana, Africa, where we will train women who have won the primary elections for parliament in the skills necessary to win the general elections. In addition, I am starting a company to provide statewide, school-based, smoking prevention and cessation programs to young people. My father is Daniel Brubaker Strickler.His parents were Ruth Smith Strickler and Christian Ray Strickler. My mother is Janet Samuels Strickler.I have 3 siblings:Patricia Kay Strickler, Daniel Brubaker Strickler II and Jon Eric Strickler.In the event that it helps you to continue the family tree, I married Allan Jay Lichtman (born 4-4-47), a professor of history at the American University and a great guy.My only son’s name is Samuel Allan Lichtman (born 4-4-92).I have a step-daughter named Kara Martin Lichtman (born 5-6-72).I am always interested to hear stories about the Stricklers, especially those from my branch of the family.Thanks for this webpage. |
Date: 1999-06-16 Name: kate From: greensburgh, pa, usa Comments: hinater! say hi to cher for me! |
Date: 1999-06-05 Name: Janet Strickler Smith From: Watsontown, PA Comments: I am a desendent of George and Maude Strickler of the Spring Mills, PA area. My father was Clair Fredrick Strickler. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who knows of ancestors before my grandparents, George and Maude. I am interested in doing a family tree. |
Date: 1999-05-13 Name: Brian La Fleur From: Long Beach California Comments: My brother found the page. We are Strickler;s from our mother side of family. My Five times Great Grandfather was Abraham Strickler who settled Around Luray Virginia. I would love to hear from anyone who might be from that branch of the stricklers. |
Date: 1999-05-12 Name: Harold A. LA Fleur From: Mich.Cal.Ok. Comments: Abraham Strickler,migrated to this coutry in late 1690’s,with 2 or 3 brothers,from Zurick.To Lancaster Penn,were with William Penn for awhile before going to Shennadoah Valley Vir. Early 1700’s.IN early 1800’s John Strickler & cousins left for & settled in Milford Ill.our Great Grand father George Washington Strickler.ANd from there to Chicago Heights Ill. Wisc. Some to Mich,Where there area large family I visit every year,in Muskegon Mich.George Washinton Strickler was there grand father. They are still alive today.Not any computers tho.I have their address if any one is interested. |
Date: 1999-05-09 Name: Pauline Strickler Crane From: Springdale, Washington Comments: Hello to all Strickler’s.My father was Ernst Roy Strickler, my grandparents were William B. Strickler and Laura Seals.I believe they migrated west from near Peoria Illinois.Any relatives out there?There are very few Stricklers out here in Washington State.I have come across several Henry’s and one Joseph. Thanks for any info, and may all Strickler mothers have a great mother’s day. Pauline Strickler Crane |
Date: 1999-05-06 Name: Robert James Strickler From: Utah Comments: My name is Robert James Strickler.I am looking for information regarding the ancestors of Ulrich Strickler.He is the first Strickler in my line to come to the U.S. My father thinks we came from Holland because that was told to him as a little boy. I found my line in the „Stricklers of Pennsylvania“ All I could find is that Ulrich came to the US on Oct. 8, 1737 aboard the „Charming Nancy“ In another place I found that the ship was the „Charming Polly.“ I am trying to trace my Ancestory through Ulrich, but I don’t know how to connect him up with where he came from.In one place I read that he left Pfalz somewhere in Europe. That was probably where his ship left from. Does anyone have information that can help me go further back before Ulrich came to the US ? |
Date: 1999-05-04 Name: Penny Colon From: Vallejo, CA Comments: Love your site. My mother and I are trying to research our family history and seem to be hitting a dead end. My grandfather is Edward James Strickler(brn.1943), his father is John William Strickler(brn. around 1905-1907). And his father is Edward James Strickler(?). we are looking for any info on these names or where they go back from there. thank you for the fun. |
Date: 1999-04-26 Name: Michael David Strickler From: Portland, OR Comments: Just spent last weekend meeting uncle (Joseph Lyle Strickler)and one of two cousins (Susan)in Phoenix, AZ.Believe my grandfather imigrated to Illinois around 1913-15 from Germany. His father started a bakery business in Illinois and died there in late 1930’s.Commencing research into family tree.Any help will be appreciated. |
Date: 1999-04-09 Name: Verle J. Strickler Sr. From: Redmond Oregon Comments: Great Site, I think I am from the VA. Strickler’s have gone back to my ggrandfather Joseph Lee Strickler b. 1846 Illinois. m. Nancy Jane Keller in MO. Believe his father was Daniel b.either PA or VA, mother Mary b. KY. any help would be great, the more of us that know, the less will be lost. would like to hear from any Strickler’s especially those from Oregon or in Oregon. |
Date: 1999-04-08 Name: Pauline Strickler Crane From: Springdale, Washigton USA Comments: I really enjoyed everything you have on the Strickler family.My grandfather was from some place in Illinois, William B. Strickler, he worked for the railroad from Illinois to Spokane, Washington.He died in Spokane and is buried in the Indian Canyon cemetary.He married several times and according to my grandmother, he never divorced any of them first.I believe the first wife was Mary or Margaret Armentrout and my grandmother was the second, Laura Seals from near Carthage Illinois.If anyone has any information of the Strickler family around that area I would appreciate hearing from you. My father Earnst Strickler married Myrtle Brown, her family was from the Council Bluff area in Pottawattamie Iowa.Parents, were Frank Brown and Pauline Ebsen. Thank you again for all the wonderful history on the Stricklers. |
Date: 1999-04-05 Name: Kenneth L. Strickler From: Nashville, TN Comments: Have some Strickler info. back to Abraham Strickler from Horgen Switzerland.Don’t know how much is for real.Hope all of it. |
Date: 1999-03-31 Name: Janet Strickler-Coolman From: Chandler, AZ Comments: I love seeing all the Stricklers.I was born in Ohio and moved to Arizona in 1981.I have been married for 25 yrs and have two really great sons.They are both competitive cyclists.Are there any other Stricklers who race bicycles? |
Date: 1999-03-23 Name: Lisa Swarner Bregenzer From: Florida Comments: I placed a queere on a mailing list and low and behold I found, Steve, a family member.He happens to be the great great grandson of Margaret Strickler.Steve was kind enough to tell me about this web site.I am the great great grandaughter of Catharine Strickler.She was married to Henry Swarner. This web page is great.I am very excited and look forward to finding new family members. |
Date: 1999-03-22 Name: Allen Strickler From: New Oxford, Pennsylvania, USA Comments: From South Central PA.Father and Grandfather are originally from Berks coutny PA.If anyone needs some help with any family trees, or can provide info on Stricklers from this area, I’d like to hear from you. |
Date: 1999-03-21 Name: Patricia Minger Vorenberg ( From: Lexington MA (born in Park Ridge IL) Comments: I am a descendant of Abraham Strickler and his wife Mary Ruffner through both his son Joseph and daughter Mary Strickler. I am delighted with this site and so happy to get the additional information. |
Date: 1999-03-19 Name: michele scotti From: Italy Comments: Just wanna say bye to everyone! |
Date: 1999-03-17 Name: Robert Stricler From: Ripon, California (USA) Comments: Our family’s last name used to be STRICKLER and just ran a search to see what was out there.Found you folks and thought I’d sign the guestbook. Might be doing some family history research sometime this year. |
Date: 1999-03-08 Name: C. W. Mason From: Shelton, WA. USA Comments: One of my progenitors is Jonathan Strickler (1780-1836) born Lancaster,PA; died Ohio.He is listed in the book on Stricklers – Forerunners – under „Other Stricklers Not Of This Line“.8 children. His daughter Martha (1805-1879, born dauphin Co., PA., married John Leyman Wakefield Anyway, I have not been able to tie him into the other Stricklers in the book.I hope to find his ancestors here. ALL help needed and appreciated! /:) |
Date: 1999-03-05 Name: Brian Strickler From: Oak Hill, West VirginiaUSA Comments: I am a Strickler |
Date: 1999-02-21 Name: Gary Lesle Strickler From: Oakville Ontario Canada L6H 2J1 Comments: I’m part of the Ulrich the Immigrant Family York PA circa 1737 whose decendent Rueben Strickler settled in Oxford Co. Ontario Canada about 1843 which I expect begat most of the early Stricklers in Canada with links back to PA. This Website will certainly help connect up those old family links lost in the hard times of the late 1880’s and early 1900’s. Family is everything ! |
Date: 1999-02-14 Name: Paula Strickler Eliseo From: Decatur, Indiana Comments: Just got a computer and was doing a little surfing and found my family name! |
Date: 1999-02-07 Name: Robert E. Strickler From: Edmond, Oklahoma Comments: Hello everyone, we are the Oklahoma branch from Henry D. Strickler of Illinois.The Strickler name is pretty rare in Oklahoma Great Web Site |
Date: 1999-01-25 Name: Strickler Martin From: Bubikon / Switzerland Comments: Cool site, amazing where all the Strickler’s went (and still going…. 😉 ) A overworked Systems Engineer |
Date: 1999-01-13 Name: Rock Miller From: USA Comments: Strickler descendant in So. California US, doing genealogy research. |
Date: 1999-01-10 Name: Marla Strickler From: Elkhart, IN Comments: Although I’m young (10 years old), I’m still interested in my family history and I love the coat of arms.i’m new at this genealogy stuff so if you have any suggestions on how to find stuff on my family please e-mail me at my mom’s address above.My dad is Scott David Strickler, b. 1962 in Elkhart, IN.My grandfather’s name is David Strickler, b.?, died approx. 1982-1984.I think my great-grandmother’s name was Anna Gunhill Christianson Strickler and I’ve been told she came from Sweden. I’d love a copy of the Strickler books you’ve been talking about on here-how do I get one?PLease write me.I’d love to hear from Stricklers.:);)0:) |
Date: 1998-12-13 Name: Stephanie C. Poindexter From: Virginia Comments: Greetings & Salutations!! My name is Stephanie, and Frank W. Duff is my brother. Our mother’s maiden name was Strickler. My younger brother and I, have helped Frank out a bit with his work. ;o) Many a time have we accompanied him to cemetaries in search of family tombs. Anyways, just thought I would sign the „family“ guestbook. hahaha Steph |
Date: 1998-11-26 Name: Randy Oakes From: Pennsylvania Comments: Looking for ancestors of Catherine Strickler b. 1 Aug 1780 Germany d. 13 Sep 1872. Catherine was married to Henry Ritchey 1766-1849 and they resided in Bedford Co. Pa.thanks, Randy |
Date: 1998-11-24 Name: Andrew Jacob Strickler From: Massachussetts Comments: I am interested in downloading a copy of „The Stricklers of Pennsylvannia“ if possible. Anyone with information please contact me. Thank you. |
Date: 1998-11-22 Name: Eva J Hall Comments: I descend from Samuel Strickler who migrated from Shenandoah Valley to Sullivan Co TN, through his son Jacob Strickler who married Barbara Ellen Slaughter. I would like to correspond with others in this line of Stricklers. I enjoy this website. Thank you |
Date: 1998-11-16 Name: Lisa From: Maryland Comments: Strickler was my maiden name, so imagine my suprise to find a website….very cool. I find family history very interesting. |
Date: 1998-11-11 Name: Linda Ryhal From: Pennsylvania Comments: Enjoyed your page. I have Strickler ancestors. My gr. gr. grandmother was Mary Jane Strickler, from Pa. Her father was Ben Strickler. Haven’t been able to locate him in Northumberland Co. Pa. Maybe someone out there knows something. |
Date: 1998-10-16 Name: Ronald D. Strickler From: Kalona, Iowa Comments: I am looking for an updated Strickler book. The one I currently have only covers my grandparents and Aunts, Uncles. The one I have was printed by the Mennonite Publishing House in Scottdale Penn., copyright 1942 by Alice Strickler, Secretary Strickler Reunion Association. Any information would be appreciated. |
Date: 1998-10-13 Name: Donna Strickler Guisewite From: Rebersburg, PA Comments: Both of my parents are deceased and I have been trying to construct a family tree for the Strickler’s. My father was George Daniel Strickler, Jr. His family originated from the Lancaster Area from what I found so far. If you have more information that might be helpful, please let me know. Thank you so much. Donna Strickler Guisewite |
Date: 1998-10-03 Name: Ronald D. Strickler From: Kalona, Iowa Comments: I am just another one of the many Strickler’s here in Iowa Surfing the internet looking for more information on my family history. |
Date: 1998-09-30 Name: Jon Strickler From: Alaska Comments: Nice site with good info on Strickler Genealogy |
Date: 1998-09-22 Name: Gayle V. Strickler,Jr. From: Marshalltown, Iowa, USA Comments: The branch of the family I am a part of is from Fayette County, Pennsylvania. I believe my great-grandfather, Jacob, came from Switzerland. I do not know what canton. My father was one of thirteen children born to Benjamin Franklin and Nannie Hornbeck Strickler.The family lived near Vanderbilt, PA. I am especially interested in knowing how I might get a copy of the book, Stricklers of Pennsylvania. |
Date: 1998-09-08 Name: Jack D. Davis From: Elmira, OR Comments: I don’t see our Strickler line here. Mary Margaret Strickler is my ggrandmother. She married Martin VanBuren Dadisman, my ggrandfather. |
Date: 1998-08-29 Name: Hank Strickler Comments: This is my 3rd post. I am searching for information on Moses Strickler who was married in l847 in Indiana. Also, Joseph Strickler who married Mary Way sometime around l890. I have been searching for many years for this info. Somebody please help me find them. Thank you, Hank Strickler |
Date: 1998-08-22 Name: Robert Strickler, Jr. From: Hometown of Riverton, Wyoming (USA). Currently living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Comments: While surfing the Web, I found this page. I had no idea there were so many Strickler’s in the world. My grandparents came from Missouri to Wheatland Wyoming (USA) in the 30’s. Strickler’s have been there since. |
Date: 1998-08-18 Name: Don Strickler From: Des Moines IA Comments: Interesting. Didn’t know there were that many Stricklers in the world! |
Date: 1998-08-13 Name: Jorgelina MarÃa Strickler From: Argentina Comments: I´m 24 years old, here in Argentina there are a lot of Strickler and we would like you send as a letter. My adress is: Benavidez 130, (2246) Barrancas, Santa Fe – Argentina. I having an e-mail adress soon. |
Date: 1998-06-30 Name: PAUL STRICKLER From: HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA Comments: HI! |
Date: 1998-06-27 Name: Linda Ann Strickler From: born in Buffalo New York 1944 Comments: I am interested in finding more Stricklers. I am in the book The Stricklers of Pennsylvania, my father is John Franklin Strickler Jr. born of John Franklin Strickler Sr. who lived in Detroit Michigan. I was born in Buffalo New York on March 4, 1944. I have 2 older brothers, John F. Strickler III, and Kenneth Marshall Strickler. My dad has done a geneology of my family but we are already in the book |
Date: 1998-06-01 Name: Vanessa Strickler From: Randallstown, Maryland USA Comments: Hi, I’m a Strickler by marriage and i would love to hear from some others in the family. I also have icq and you can leave a message there also. The icq number is 1302674. *May the angels watch over you and keep you safe* Vanessa |
Date: 1998-05-25 Name: Cassandra Zaugg From: Ossian, Indiana Comments: My mother is Paula Jean (Strickler) Eliso daughter of Paul Edwin Strickler son of George and Goldie Strickler all from Indiana. Any one with any information about my family would be welcome news. please E-mail. Thanks Cassandra |
Date: 1998-05-20 Name: kenneth j. strickler From: Jackson MI 49203 Comments: Keep up the good work – if there are any stricklers who wish to contact another strickler – mail me ! |
Date: 1998-05-18 Name: Joshua Brooks Yancey Strickler From: Faber, Va Comments: Currently live in Fort Walton Beach Florida. Son of Ed Strickler – Faber Va. Great site, would like to add my name and rest of family to the tree. Edward Kenneth Strickler (estickler(at)juno.com), Joshua Brooks Yancey Strickler, Egan Lee Strickler |
Date: 1998-04-27 Name: Marion L Strickler From: Rohnert Park, CA Comments: Born Nevada Iowa 5 Mar 33, older brother of James W Strickler, Naples, FL. Both of us are sons of Emery Newmeyer Strickler and Velma Goodnow Strickler. Dad was 6th of 7 children of James Buchanan Strickler and Loella Belle Hayes Strickler (They moved to Iowa from Wisconsin, apparently early in theur marriage, as most, if not all of their children were born in Rhodes, Marshall County, IA). My brother would have more details of the family, since he has our father’s copy of „The Stricklers of Pennsylvania“. Since it’s difficult to go from northern California to southern Florida whenever I would like to look anything up, does anyone know where I might find a copy? It’s great to have a family page! |
Date: 1998-04-25 Name: Bruce A. Strickler From: Montgomery, AL Comments: I grew up near Broadway, VA. A friend of mine and I traced our branches of the family tree back to Abraham at Fort Egypt, near Luray, VA. His family was from one of Abraham’s sons and I was from another. Unfortunately, I no longer have a copy of the project. We used the book „Forerunners“ to do our research. The book was loaned to us by my second cousin, who is related to the Stricklers. I left Virginia to join the Air Force and ended up here in Alabama where I will retire – starting a new colony of Stricklers. Most of my close Strickler relatives live in or near Broadway or Timberville, VA. |
Date: 1998-04-22 Name: kenneth j. strickler From: Jackson, Michigan USA Comments: it would be nice to hear from other members of the family. we should all keep in touch with each other at some time or another. |
Date: 1998-04-15 Name: Jarrod Paul Strickler From: Maryland Comments: I’m very happy to come accross this web site! The Strickler family name is very special to me because it reminds me of who we are and our whole purpose! Please give my email address to any Strickler FAMILY member and let’s be in touch! |
Date: 1998-04-10 Name: Carol Robertson Walton From: Austin, Texas Comments: Impressive web page and design. Rosmarie (Romi) in Asp gave me the URL. We have been corresponding for many years. |
Date: 1998-04-10 Name: Strickler, Frank Wayne From: Richmond, Virginia USA Comments: Happy to see the Strickler Web site is still going strong. |
Date: 1998-04-08 Name: Richard H. Strickler From: Philadelphia, PA Comments: I would like to hear from anyone who has a copy of „The Stricklers of Pensylvania“ It was written back in 1942 and is out of print. I would like to scan in a copy of it and post it on the web…..pictures and all. Please let me know if you have a copy of it and would be willing to mail it to me. I will pay the freight and I will send it back as soon as I can. I promise to make sure to have it well taken care of aI work for a Library and know how difficult it is to take care of a book. Please let me know if you would like to sell it also, I am looking for a copy of it for myself too 😉 I would appreciate it very much and it would help inform the Stricklers of the world to help them find their past. Richard H. Strickler |
Date: 1998-04-06 Name: Sandy Robins From: Richmond, VA, USA Comments: I have really enjoyed browsing the Strickler Website. I am a descendant of Abraham I, who immigrated around 1700, first to Pennsylvania and then settling in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. My mother was born in Luray but no longer lives there. I live close enough to the area that we can visit there occassionally. I would enjoy hearing from anyone who is researching the STRICKLER FAMILIES! |
Date: 1998-03-11 Name: Jennifer Lebo From: Media, PA Comments: I am doing research on the Strickler family who are descendants of Henry Strickler from Columbia, Lancaster County. I would be willing to share information with anyone interested. My grandfather is a Strickler. |
Date: 1998-03-05 Name: Gerald D. Strickler From: Alexandria, Virginia Comments: I am actively engaged in researching the Strickler family history of descendants of Abraham Strickler ,of Page County VA., (formerly Shenandoah County) and have traced over 260 of his descendants. I need additional information on direct descendants of Abraham, Col. Daniel Strickler, and other descendants from l800 thru l895. Can you help? Ihave all his descendants from 1865 thru 1995. |
Date: 1998-03-01 Name: Monette Cortez From: Las Vegas, Clark, NV Comments: My daughter is Descended from Abraham Strickler. Believe she is 10th generation. She is 3. Hope she inherits my love of the family tree. Have visited Abrahams home in Luray VA. |
Date: 1998-02-22 Name: Beth Strickler From: Northern California Comments: Hi |
Date: 1998-02-18 Name: Hank Strickler From: Crestview, Fl Comments: Hello fellow Strickler’s. I have left a note before and got no response. A new note now. Does anyone have any information on a Moses Strickler, married in Parke County, Indiana, in l847. My address is hank(at)cfi.net. Thanks Hank Strickler |
Date: 1998-02-15 Name: Robert L. Strickler From: Oakton,Virginia Comments: Sister, Jayne Alexander of Decatur, Illinois, just saw the site and finds it interesting.Have had fliers through the years from a fellow in Ohio selling Strickler history through the mail. Has anyone actually seen this publication? Is it rooted in facts? |
Date: 1998-02-14 Name: Jeff Strickler From: Seattle, WA USA Comments: I am from the Seattle area and am related directly to other Strickler’s in Oregon. We are lucky enough that we can trace directly back to our arival here in the states, but we are interested in both why we left Switzerland (and how many left Switzerland) and why we then moved west (and when,how many, etc.). It is good to see such support and community here in the family! I am looking forward to visiting Richterswil this April! |
Date: 1998-02-13 Name: Joshua Strickler From: West Chester, Pennsylvania Comments: How are you? Who are you? Do I know you? |
Date: 1998-02-01 Name: Andreas Viviani From: Samstagern Comments: Not related to the name Strickler in any sense (except knowing some nice people…) I just stumbled over this great site while searching for information about Samstagern. I live at „The Strick“, in a nice house called „Loechli“, aka „Little Hole“. |
Date: 1998-01-28 Name: Roberta Strickler Heter From: Lompoc, California Comments: Thanks for such a great Strickler resource! I have „Strickler’s of Pennsylvania“ but not „Forerunners“ Is it still available? My father was Paul Meredith Strickler (1906-1992) and was the son of Thomas Jefferson Strickler. (Nebraska and Kansas). Their family had homesteaded from Adams Co. Ill. I was in Switzerland in July and spent about 3 hours wandering around Richtersville. Hope to go back. |
Date: 1998-01-18 Name: Tom and Kathy Strickler From: Milton Freewater, Oregon Comments: Strickler’s of Penn. is our family line. We are eager to learn more. We have been continuing collection of family information for many years now and would like to share with anyone who is interested. Keep up the good work. |
Date: 1998-01-05 Name: Robert Pfister From: Andover,MA. USA Comments: My family line is from Wadenswil. Have researched back to 1570 |
Date: 1997-12-21 Name: James H.Strickler From: Conneautville,Pennsylvania Comments: Jacob W. Strickler and Nellie M.Strickler purchased a copy of „Stricklers in Pennsylvania“(1942).The copy has remained in my possession since their deaths. Many hours have been spent perusing the contents and I am pleased of this legacy from my parents. Congratulations and thanks to all who have contributed to the preparation of this site. |
Date: 1997-12-16 Name: Henry Strickler From: Louisiana Comments: Found the Strickler site today. I have been searching for my grandfather’s family for years. No luck. My greatgrandfather was Joseph Strickler, born 1854 in the midwest and died in 1940 in Louisiana. I only know of two of his children, Henry and Jessie. He married Mary Way in the 1890 in Indiana. If anybody knows anything about him, contact me. Great to know about a Strickler site. Good work. |
Date: 1997-12-14 Name: Peter G Strickler From: Massachusetts Comments: I am glad to see the Strickler lineage so well maintained and presented so thoroughly. In particular, it is good to have both European and North American branches represented. Keep up the good work. Feel free to contact me for any information regarding the MA branch. Sincerely, Peter Strickler |
Date: 1997-12-07 Name: Robert L. Strickler From: Oakton,Virginia USA Comments:Son, Brian, and his wife, Margot, live in Charlotte, NC. Son, Mark, his wife, Nancy, and daughter, Siena, live in Vancouver, Washington. My aunt, Esther Strickler, of Watseka, Illinois, researched the Stricklers in the USA rigorously to bring the „Forerunners“ history up to date. Unfortunately, she never published. Thelma E. Strickler of Michigan has communicated with me and also has gathered more recent data. We saw „Stricklers Knob“ in the December 1966 „National Geographic“ and will visit the Shenandoah in the near future to view it. In addition, the roots of our tribe moved into that area form Zurcih (Horgen?) in 1702. A group split off to form the Pennsylvania tribe, but the Virginia branch remains strong in the Shenandoah area. Have always wondered why Swiss would set their sites inland in 1702 in what had to be a very unsettled territory far from the „civilization“ (Williamsburg, Alexandria, et al) that existed at the time. |
Date: 1997-11-27 Name: Mona Valley Comments: I am related to Nancy STRICKLER and Ruben LOWRY, who had a daughter out of wedlock, Jane STRICKLER, born 18 Dec 1827 in Connellsville, Fayette Co., PA. This is my mystery family. I always thought the name STRICKLER was uncommon until I perused this web page. What a wonderful site to explore. Am hoping to find some family connections. |
Date: 1997-11-10 Name: John M. Blake From: Durham, NC USA Comments: Greetings! I am related to Stricklers through Anna Strickler b 1757 who married Michael Rhodes b 1 May 1749. Rhodes is my grandmother’s family. I love your web page. |
Date: 1997-11-06 Name: David Morgan Strickler (Dave) From: Shell Beach, CA Comments: Thanks for an interesting page. If interest and time permit, I’d like to know more about the first Stricklers in America, probably around 1720. Also, please don’t forget my branch of the family: My father, Paul Biddle Strickler, b. Iowa, 1888, me, b. Iowa, 1944, and my brother Thomas Paul Strickler, b. Virginia, 1952. Many thanks. |
Date: 1997-10-17 Name: David Christopher Strickler From: Woodlyn, Pennsylvania Comments: This is a wonderful site! |
Date: 1997-09-28 Name: Strickler André From: Richterswil/Switzerland Comments: Great site. It’s very interesting to find out, where we are. I never minded, that there are Strickler’s all around the world. |
Date: 1997-09-16 Name: Christian Strickler From: Zürich Comments: Wow. |
Date: 1997-09-14 Name: Dale Alan Strickler From: Mountville, PA 17554 Comments: I am very glad to see something about the history of the Strickler’s in America. I have a wife and three sons and I like the idea that they can learn something as close to their heritage as some of the other end of the family tree. |
Date: 1997-09-12 Name: Robert L. Strickler From: Oakton, Virgina 22124 Comments: Has „forerunners“ been updated??? A Strickler from Ohio sends out postcards advertising a new compilation. Is it authenic??? (His dates on the postcard do not seem to agree with „forerunners“) |
Date: 1997-09-10 Name: Elizabeth Ann Strickler From: Takoma Park, Maryland Comments: Great page – thanks for all your work. Let me know how I can share the information/anecdotes I have. |
Date: 1997-08-31 Name: Betty Jean Strickler From: Richmond, Va. (Born in Middlebrook) Comments: I am trying to find out something about myself I know very little My Father was Paul Goldie Strickler (Born 1906) his father was Robert He lived in around Craigsville and Staunton Area |
Date: 1997-08-29 Name: Brian Robert Strickler From: Charlotte, North Carolina Comments: Very interesting information. |
Date: 1997-08-18 Name: Mark Jay Strickler (Mark) From: Nashville, TN USA Comments: Son of Jay H. Strickler (Austin, TX). I reside at 2112 Fairfax Ave. #212 Nashville, TN 37212 Tel: (6l5)298-4126 (USA) Let me know if I might be of assistance! Mark |
Date: 1997-08-17 Name: Bruce Strickler From: Camden,Oh. now Green Bay Wi. Comments: The fun of family. New on line computer dumb. Far as known grand parents from Pa. Oliver Price Strickler moved to Iowa then Ohio . Son was Jerrol Price Strickler born in Iowa and moved with family to Ohio. Married had 4 childern moved to Wi. in 1971. I am one of the four. Can find no mention of Oliver or any relatives that am familer with. Will check page later |
Date: 1997-08-10 Name: Edson D. Strickler From: Mobile, Alabama Comments: Great to know there are so many of „us“ out there! Looking foward to more interesting things about the Stricklers at this sight. Keep up the good work!! |
Date: 1997-08-05 Name: William Preston Strickler Porter-Carlton From: Born Richmond Va, Family from Salem Va, now in Orlando Fl Comments: I am looking for the Strickler side of family, Grand Mother was Pauline Strickler and her father was Joesph Strickler. He made chairs in Salem Va, according to my father, I have some of his tools and tool boxes. Can you provide any help in connecting me to the Strickler in the Shenadoah Valley? |
Date: 1997-08-01 Name: Lon Delphus Strickler From: Randallstown, Maryland Comments: I would like to be listed on the USA list if possible. Ulrich Strickler was my ancestor from Richterswil, Swizterland. Thank you. |
Date: 1997-08-01 Name: Tonna Strickler Mustian From: Utah Comments: I’m one of the lost Stricklers. My families history does not appear in either Strickler history book. I am a decendent of a Jacob Strickler that lived in Tennessee. The family later moved to Arkansas and finally settled in Texas. I would like to see the connection made between my family and the other Stricklers. I feel lost. |
Date: 1997-07-29 Name: Richard E. Strickler From: Raleigh, NC via Grove City, OH & Birminhgam, MI Comments: Hello, I am impressed with your homepage and am interested in tracing back my ancestors. Do you know about the Strickler Family News? It is published in Utah and has generally generic information with surnames plugged in but the do have a large database of Strickler in America. Thanks. |
Date: 1997-07-13 Name: Richard H. Strickler From: Rosemont, PA [USA] Comments: I would very much like to be included in your site as I have been a Strickler all my life 🙂 Please check out my web page as I have a link to this one. PS: I love the new format of the page. very good job. Rick |
Date: 1997-07-12 Name: Joan Strickler From: Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA Comments: Hi, Koebi: I think the new homepage is great! Under „news“, when you update the column, why not mention the picture of Strickler Knob in the December 1996 National Geographic? Talk to you later via e-mail…Joan |
Date: 1997-07-11 Name: Dan Strickler From: Fullerton, CA (outside L.A.) now in Short Hills, NJ Comments: Although a Strickler, my name was changed to Strickler when my grandfather and his generation immigrated to America around the turn of the century. Originally, the name was Strykowski which means we came from the Strykow, a village not far from Lodz in Poland. It’s nice to read about your family. You have a wonderful website. I’ll be showing it to my father who has a kean interest in geneology and has done much research on our family. It’s great to see all those Stricklers out there! |
Date: 1997-07-11 Name: Jon & Su Strickler From: Phoenix Arizona Comments: Cool page, I never knew there were so many Stricklers to be honest, I thought that Stricklers were mostly in Pennsylvania where I’m from. My wife, unfortunately, doesn’t share my enthusiasm for the page because she only became a Strickler through marriage. I guess she doesn’t understand the rich heritage, the proud tradition, and the historic significance of being a Strickler. She’ll learn. |
Date: 1997-07-06 Name: Larry A. Strickler From: Bellevue, Nebraska (now) Born Newark Ohio Comments: Just found this home page yesterday. Quite interesting! I sent an e-mail to Hans yesterday. Of course I would help if there is any way I acn. I am interested in meeting some of the Stricklers around the world. |
Date: 1997-07-05 Name: Karl Strickler From: Originally Switzerland, but lie since 1970 in Canada. Comments: It feels good to know that the Stricklers are more numerous then i knew. Thank you to the originators of this website. Kari |
Date: 1997-07-04 Name: jack frailey strickler jr From: Snyder, Texas Comments: Enjoyed the history of the strickler family |
Date: 1997-07-02 Name: Frank W. Duff From: Waynesboro, Virginia Comments: My best reguards to Koebi, his brother and sister. I will be forwarding to you more information on the origins of the Strickler’s in America as soon as I get it all keyed into my computer. I think the material will be most interesting to you and to many others. |
Date: 1997-07-01 Name: Jack D. Strickler From: 7820 Hampton Way,Owings, MD 20736 Comments: I am descended from Ulrich Strickler, the immigrant, of York County, Pennsylvania, the 8th generation in America. Enjoyed your website very much. I have both books, „Forerunners“ and „Stricklers of Pennsylvania“ in my library of family genealogy. |
Date: 1997-06-28 Name: Dane M.,Colleen D., Sandra B. Strickler From: Westbrook, ME, and Frederick, MD Comments: Dane and Colleen, married Sept. 14, 1996, son of Richard M. and Sandra B., grandson of Dean G. and Ruth M. of Lewisburg, PA., referred by Jack D. Strickler of Owings, MD. Would like hear from other Stricklers out there. Home page is great source of info, will be back again soon. |
Date: 1997-06-23 Name: Martin Rudolph Strickler From: Bubikon / Switzerland Comments: Great thing, this site. Looking forward to the „new“ pages. |
Date: 1997-06-21 Name: Amy Shaw From: New Jersey Comments: Great Page! I am related to the Strickler family in PA. Keep up the good work! Amy |
Date: 1997-06-07 Name: Judy Ann Downing Wittke From: Oregon City, Oregon Comments: I just met thru the net a Strickler cousin and she stated that there was a Strickler web page, what a surprise! My great grandmother was a Strickler and my grandfather was William Strickler Downing. Our family has always held this name in great respect. My genealogy research of our Strickler heritage has definitely shed light on our Strickler connection and this page binds me ever so much closer to the past. Thanks for developing this page!! I would love to communicate with other Stricklers from anywhere in the world. Bye for now Judy Ann Downing Wittke |
Date: 1997-06-06 Name: Amy Wilson From: CA Comments: I recently discovered that I am a descendent of Heinrich Strickler, so I was delighted to find your web page. Thank you for all the interesting information! |
Date: 1997-05-31 Name: Romi again… From: asp, a little place in CH… Comments: I’ve seen that Ferdi is on the Internet again. But what’s his e-mail address??? |
Date: 1997-05-30 Name: Richard H. Strickler From: Philadelphia, PA Comments: I love the idea of having a family homepage where I can find other relatives I never knew existed. |
Date: 1997-05-29 Name: Ferdi Strickler From: Uster, CH Comments: Back on the net again! |
Date: 1997-05-26 Name: Frank W. Strickler From: I live in Richmond, VA. Comments: I believe my family tree extends backwards to the Abraham Strickler of Massenutten in what is now Page County Virginia at Luray. My Uncle, Gerald Strickler has done a lot of research to tie us back to one of the earliest Stricklers. |
Date: 1997-05-26 Name: Romi De Ambrosis-Strickler From: Asp (CH) Comments: Wer hat noch etwas beizutragen zu der Strickler-homepage? Ich finde dieses Internet echt super! |
Date: 1997-05-24 Name: Elisabeth Strickler From: Buchs Switzerland Comments: Jetzt wollte ich doch mal ausprobieren ob das Gästebuch auch wirklich funtioniert. Gruss Liz |